How to Remove Mold?

The Comprehensive List of Ways to Kill and Remove Black Mold

Black mold, or any other mold for that matter, can be harmful.  Fortunately, there are many different ways to get rid of mold.  Here is a list of the various cleaners and solutions you can use to remove mold in your home.  Most of these solutions use everyday household products that you probably already have.  Please remember, the rule of thumb for do it yourself mold removal is if the mold is 10 square feet or less in size.  If it is larger than that, you may want to consider hiring a professional.
How to Remove Mold?

1. How to Kill Mold with Bleach (best effective way)
Probably the most thought of solution when considering how to get rid of mold, but there are some drawbacks to bleach:
Bleach-Water Solution (1 gallon of water to 1 cup of bleach, or 1 part bleach to 16 parts water).  Bleach with detergent solution – (Recommended for porous surfaces, such as wood, drywall, and fabrics – 1 part household detergent, 10 parts bleach, and 20 parts water)
Non pourous surfaces when used with water.  Porous surfaces when combined with detergent. Caution: don’t mix bleach with any product that has ammonia because it produces a toxic gas when combined.
Spray, or apply with a rag to the mold, not too heavily.  Wait a 5 minutes (longer for stubborn situations), then scrub with a brush, rag, or other somewhat abrasive tool, being careful not to scratch or destroy the material that you are trying to protect.  Wipe clean with a damp rag.
Bleach is toxic to humans, dangerous fumes, environmentally toxic when released into nature.  Never mix with ammonia.  Keep room well ventilated when using bleach.  Bleaches fabrics!
How it works
Chlorine bleach contains hypochlorite, which forces the mold proteins combine. This alters their form and destroys the mold.  This is the same process that heat causes to proteins (think of how an egg changes when it is cooked).  So essentially, bleach “cooks” the mold, without using heat.
Effective in getting rid of  mold and killing other microbes on the surfaces.  Also effective at removing stains, which is advantageous for tile grout, caulk, or other areas that need stains removed.
Dangerous fumes, toxic, and does not work well with porous surfaces such as wood or drywall unless combined with a detergent.  Do to bleach’s molecular structure, it only stays on the surface and doesn’t absorb into porous material unless aided by surfactants (detergents).

2. How to Get Rid of Mold with Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural alternative to bleach or other strong chemicals.  It is not toxic and is won’t harm the environment.
Distilled white vinegar (straight, not diluted with water)
Any surface, but use sparingly on pourous surfaces
Spray or apply with a rag to the mold, not too heavily.  Wait 10-15 minutes, then spray or apply again and scrub with a brush, rag, or other somewhat abrasive tool, being careful not to scratch or destroy the material that you are trying to protect.  Wipe clean with a damp rag.
Strong odor, but will dissipate.
How it works
Vinegar is acidic, with a ph of about 2.5.  The acid deforms the shape of the proteins on the mold, which breaks down the mold’s structure and kills it.
Natural, non-toxic cleaner.   When not completely rinsed away, the low ph of vinegar helps prevent mold from returning.
Not as strong as bleach or commercial products.

3. How to Get Rid of Mold with Baking Soda

Baking Soda is a convenient solution to mold problems.  It is inexpensive, helps prevent future mold growth, and deodorizes.
RecipeBaking Soda -Detergent Solution:  1/2 cup baking soda, 1 cup water, 1 Tbsp mild liquid detergent
Baking soda-Water Solution: ¼ to ½ Tbsp of baking soda to a spray bottle of water
Any surface, but use sparingly on pourous surfaces if it can’t dry out completely.  Works best on non-pourous surfaces like tile and vinyl.
Spray area thoroughly and wipe with rag or scrub with appropriate semi-abrasive tool.  Wipe away.  Spray lightly again with the baking soda-water solution,and let dry thoroughly, the solution will naturally discourage new mold growth.
This is a low-risk substance.  No strong fumes or odors, non-toxic, and safe for the environment.
How it works
Baking soda has a ph of about 8, which is too high for mold to thrive.  The high ph not only kills mold, but discourages new mold from coming back.
No toxic fumes, environmentally safe, deodorizes, inexpensive.
Not as strong as bleach, commercial products, or even some other natural cleaners.